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With the ever-shrinking local government services and the current economic climate, further strained by the  COVID-19 crisis, the demand for our bilingual or trilingual service has greatly increased. It has been extremely difficult for a voluntary sector organisation such as ours to survive.

The burden on fundraising indeed has increased and become an imperative task for the survival of the Centre. OCCAC is thankful to those who supported us through donations, charity sale of rice dumplings, and other food sales. We are also grateful to a few Chinese members for donating face masks to the Centre for sale to raise funds.

Due to the cancellation of our largest fundraising event, the Chinese New Year celebration at the Oxford Town Hall in 2020 and 2021, and several charity sales of food after the COVID-19 outbreak, we experienced a deficit in 2020 and had great difficulty searching for donations. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused great financial difficulty, not only for the Centre, but also for our donors and supporters. Fundraising in the coming year will be increasingly difficult, with rising unemployment and continuous financial pressure on small businesses, including Chinese restaurants and takeaways. If the pandemic continues, our Chinese New Year celebration 2022 and other fundraising events may have to be cancelled.

Donations, whether big or small, are greatly appreciated.

Cheques can be made payable to “OCCAC” or “Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre”. Bank transfer is also welcome. Details are as follows:

Account name: Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre

Account number: 60690805                              

Sort code: 20-65-18

If you are a UK taxpayer, we can claim an extra £2.50 for every £10 you give. Please contact OCCAC and fill in the ‘Gift Aid’ form.  

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If you shop on Amazon, please kindly log in to and select "Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre" as your supporting charity. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the net purchase price (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to our Centre, at no cost to you.


地址: Oxfordshire Chinese Community and Advice Centre, 44B Princes Street, Oxford  OX4 1DD           
電話: 01865 204188  |  電郵:  |  網址:   |   

慈善團體註冊編號: 1006710

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